Darrington Parish Council

Preserving the essential rural quality of our village is our priority; to achieve this, building infill should be limited to areas where it does not encroach upon the few remaining public open spaces. All open spaces should be preserved; any planning authority should consider the impact upon this stated policy. A trip through the village will quickly identify the best features of the village which are the fine old buildings, robust stone walls, mature trees and well kept large gardens. It is of the utmost importance that this environment is preserved!
Specifically, no building should be demolished whenever preservation or conversion is possible. Stone walls should be preserved intact and repaired when damaged.
As a condition of any future developments, all walling should match its surroundings in material and style and no mature healthy tree should be removed.
The Parish already has a number of footpaths and a major cycle route which are well used and these should be maintained; there are a number of ancient byways which have been allowed to become overgrown and consequently disused. We intend to re-establish these footpaths wherever possible and maintain the network of public footpaths in and around the village.
One very important concern today is the increase in local traffic; a recent survey showed that around 40% of the vehicles passing through our village were exceeding the speed limit.
We will challenge any planning decisions which may result in an increase to the volume or weight of traffic passing through our village.