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Darrington Parish Council

Governance and Policy
The Council is governed by legislation. To ensure that the Council acts within its powers and fulfils it duties, it has adopted key governance documents. The Councils controls are reviewed during annual audits.

Standing Orders
The standing orders are the rules by which the Council conducts its day to day business.

Financial Regulations
The financial governance of the Council is outlined in the Councils Financial Regulations.

Policies & Procedures
These are the policies which the Parish Council comply with.

Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct governs how Councillors must act.

Transparency Code
The information that we are required to publish under the Transparency Code can be viewed here.

Freedom of Information
The Council's Publication Scheme can be downloaded below.

Risk Management
The Council's risk management policies can be viewed here.

GDPR Compliance
The Council's GDPR policies and forms can be viewed here.
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