Darrington Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings
The Ordinary Meeting of the Council will take place on 9 January 2025 at 7 pm at the Darrington Reading Rooms.
The municipal year runs from May to May. Each May the Parish Council hold an Annual Parish Meeting where the Parish Council reports back to residents on the previous year. Thereafter the Parish Council holds the Annual Meeting of the Council, at which the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council are elected, for the next twelve month period. At the Annual Parish Council Meeting, the Parish Council also confirm the Council's governance arrangements.

Parish Council meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month except August, when there is no meeting of the Council.
All Council meetings start at 19:00 hours, unless otherwise advertised. The location of the meeting is published on the agenda and public notice.
The Parish Council meetings usually take place at the Darrington Reading Rooms on Philips Lane. All decision of Council are made at Council meetings.
All Parish Councillors are required to attend Council Meetings. Where Councillors are unable to attend, they are required to submit their apologies and reason for not attending the meeting to the Parish Clerk, in advance of the meeting.
At the start of each meeting there is a fifteen-minute period for public question time. Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration.