Darrington Parish Council

Policies & Procedures

The Complaints Policy has been created to assist local residents to deal with complaints against actions of the Parish Council.

The Co-option of a parish councillor occurs when a casual vacancy has arisen on the council and no poll (by-election has been called.

The Council accumulates a significant amount of data in the performance of its daily activities. This Policy sets out what documentation can be retained and for how long it can be kept.

The General Privacy Notice details how the Council collects and uses data.

The Council is committed to providing assistance and support to community organisations which are set up to promote community life for residents. The Council's financial support is provided by way of grants, which are decided against criteria set by the Council.

This Privacy Notice details how the Council collects and uses Employee, Councillor, Volunteer and other Role Holder data.

The Council has a large number of policy documents as required by law. To keep these documents up to date a schedule has been devised to ensure they are reviewed on an annual basis.

The Council intends to provide information and updates regarding activities and opportunities within Darrington Parish. This Policy sets out rules and guidelines to the distribution of this information.